Saturday, April 27, 2024

House Targaryen Wiki of Westeros Fandom

house targaryen

Drogon was anguished to discover his mother’s lifeless body, but he did not blame Jon for her death. Instead, he used his fiery breath to melt the Iron Throne before carrying Daenerys across the Narrow Sea. This page includes content relating to the Dance of the Dragons, and therefore contains potential spoilers for future seasons of House of the Dragon, as revealed in George R.R. Martin's writings. Anyone wishing to remain completely spoiler free for this prequel series should avoid any pages displaying this tag.

Princess Rhaenys Targaryen

Five hundred years ago, the Targaryens departed the Valyrian homelands and travelled to Dragonstone, a small island off the east coast of Westeros, where they established a keep and trading post. According to some legends, a Targaryen ancestor named Aenar encouraged this move due to a prophetic vision. Other reports suggest that the Targaryens may have been exiled, or merely assigned to establish the trading post. In Qarth an assassin tried to kill Dany, but an old man (actually Barristan Selmy in disguise) intervened. He and a eunuch revealed themselves as agents of magister Illyrio. Illyrio had sent three merchant ships to transport Dany and her people to Pentos.

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The two surviving Targaryens, Viserys and Daenerys, fled into exile to the Free Cities of Essos across the Narrow Sea. Now, is this the same as a writer or a showrunner or George R.R. Martin confirming that “beast beneath the boards” was foreshadowing Rhaenys on Meleys in Season 1 rather than Blood and Cheese in Season 2? Definitely not, but it does feel to me like it debunks the Blood and Cheese prophecy theory. All in all, it probably doesn’t make a huge difference one way or the other if House of the Dragon somehow confirms what Helaena was referring to. Still, it was fun to theorize during Season 1 and the long wait for Season 2. We shall also meet an endless stream of new character including Alys Rivers (Gayle Rankin), a mysterious healer from Harrenhal, who plays a pivotal role in the book.

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When tensions mounted during a gladiatorial match at one of Meereen's greatest fighting pits, Daenerys escaped on the back of Drogon, her fiercest dragon. She was then captured by the forces of Khal Moro, who brought her to Vaes Dothrak. According to Dothraki custom, a widowed khaleesi must live out her days within the city.

However, the bloodline of House Targaryen still exists in various houses, such as House Baratheon, House Velaryon, and House Martell. The content on this site is for entertainment and educational purposes only. All advice, including picks and predictions, is based on individual commentators’ opinions and not that of Minute Media or its related brands. No one should expect to make money from the picks and predictions discussed on this website. The second season of House of the Dragon will premiere on HBO and Max on Sunday, June 16, and run for eight episodes. In Fire & Blood, Arryk Cargyll is dispatched to infiltrate Rhaenyra Targaryen's stronghold of Dragonstone by impersonating his brother Erryk.

Thus began the reign of King Robert Baratheon, and the end of Targaryen rule. The Valyrian dragonlords thrived for centuries, until an event known as the Doom of Valyria smashed the Freehold apart. A mysterious cataclysm involving the eruption of multiple volcanoes, the Doom literally and figuratively fractured the empire. Knowledge of magic, technology, and history vanished into the flames, and the Valyrian peninsula was split into islands, with the Smoking Sea between them.

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Though few would ever know it, she hadn't been kidnapped at all — she and Rhaegar had truly loved each other. In the meantime, King's Landing was sacked with the help of the Lannisters. When Aerys II revealed his plans to immolate King's Landing with wildfire, Jaime Lannister, a member of his Kingsguard, slew him. Ned Stark returned from Dorne with Aegon, who he claimed to be his bastard son, Jon Snow.

How Tales of Dunk & Egg Connects to Game of Thrones & House of the Dragon - CBR

How Tales of Dunk & Egg Connects to Game of Thrones & House of the Dragon.

Posted: Mon, 22 Apr 2024 23:50:00 GMT [source]

Aerys II's surviving children, Viserys and Daenerys, spent their formative years in the Free Cities, attempting to outrun Robert Baratheon's assassins. While Viserys was old enough to remember living in King's Landing, Daenerys had only known life outside Westeros. Crowned by his mother during the sack of King's Landing, Viserys expected subservience from the people around him. Aegon died 37 years after his conquest, leading to a variety of uprisings in the following decades. An outlaw known as the Vulture King of Dorne rose up against King Aenys Targaryen, though he was swiftly put down.

Viserys Targaryen

The Targaryens were among numerous wealthy, dragon-riding families living in this technologically advanced wonderland. However, the Targaryens fled the city a century before Aegon's Conquest, avoiding the mysterious cataclysm that left Valyria an empty ruin. House Targaryen is the primary house in HBO’s Game of Thrones and House of the Dragon. In Game of Thrones, Daenerys returns to Westeros after conquering the cities of Slaver’s Bay. She teams up with Jon Snow to reclaim her rightful position as Queen.

Given the way Fire and Blood narrates the events, there is no way for us to know how each character would have felt or what thoughts they might have had while the story went on. However, House of the Dragon has a chance to adapt the story and give each character a unique voice and personality. The scene where we first understand Rhaenyra’s will and confidence is when she negotiates the dragon egg’s return from Daemon at Dragonstone.

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House Of The Dragon: Every Known Member Of House Targaryen In The Series.

Posted: Fri, 19 Apr 2024 06:30:00 GMT [source]

Rhaenyra gets crowned Queen in Dragonstone, while Alicent has her son Aegon crowned in King’s Landing. During the first few seasons, we believe that Daenerys is the last surviving Targaryen, and her claim to the throne makes her easy to root for since we see her suffer all kinds of injustices along the way. Her journey from the East is long and tedious, and she suffers insults, violence, the loss of her husband, and even chains, which makes her grow irritable and restless. Her counsel urges her to have patience but Daenerys feels like she has been placid for too long.

When Daeron II died, his son Aerys I took the throne, but he was bookish and reclusive, leaving the realm almost entirely to the ruling of his Hand, his uncle Brynden Rivers, known as 'Bloodraven'. Aerys I died after 12 years of rule and was succeeded by his brother Maekar. Maekar had not expected to inherit, as he was only the fourth son of King Daeron, but ruled reasonably well until he was killed in battle with an outlaw lord.

During the increasingly erratic reign of King Aerys II, his son Rhaegar was said to have kidnapped Lyanna Stark of Winterfell for unknown reasons; this led to a massive uprising led by Eddard Stark, Robert Baratheon, and Jon Arryn. At the end of this war, Aerys and Rhaegar were dead and the Targaryen power-base in Westeros destroyed. Aerys's youngest children, Viserys and Daenerys, were taken by Targaryen loyalists into exile in the Free Cities of the East. Unknown to most, however, Rhaegar had his marriage with Elia Martell annulled and remarried Lyanna, with whom he also had a son, Jon Snow.

But because of the preceding generation of chaos, the line of succession isn’t clear. So, at the start of House of the Dragon, Jaehaerys summons a council to choose the next heir. The two Targaryens with the best claim to the throne are his grandson, Viserys, and his granddaughter-slash-grandniece, Rhaenys. They’re both his grandchildren, so both have an equal claim to the throne.

house targaryen

A century after the Doom, Aegon I, styled the Conqueror, began his conquest of mainland Westeros, landing with dragons and an army (at what would later be called King's Landing). Six of the seven Westerosi kingdoms fell before him (the seventh, Dorne, later joined through a political marriage). The Targaryen dragons, which were the last known to exist, went extinct over a century after Aegon's conquest. House of the Dragon received a straight-to-series order in October 2019, with casting beginning in July 2020 and principal photography starting in April 2021 in the United Kingdom. The series premiered on August 21, 2022, with the first season consisting of ten episodes. Five days after its premiere, the series was renewed for a second season.

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